CalCC has dedicated, state-of-the-art facilities for Primary education P-6. Each CalCC Primary class has their own room, their own teacher, plus a teacher’s aide is assigned toclasses with more than x students . No class has more than 27 students. Unlike CalCC Secondary, Primary students spend each class throughout the day with their homeroom cohort – even for specialist lessons in Music, Library,  PE or Japanese language. 

The school day begins at 8:20 and finishes at 3:00pm.  

Our day begins with roll call, morning devotions, checking in on students and how they are going. From 8:45am-10:25am students concentrate on English and work through subjects such as phonics, journal writing, spelling, reading and structure writing, during this time they also break for a brain boost snack at about 9:30am.  From 10:25am-10:50am students play outside and then after a short play sit down to eat. 

They return to the classroom by 11:00am and concentrate on Mathematics.  We provide short mini lessons in each of our subject areas and in particular in our Mathematics lessons.  They are given a specific lesson of the Mathematics learning goal that is to be studied for the day/week, and then move into small groups and teacher conference, in which they either work as individuals or in small group work.  

Each student has a diagnostic test for their Mathematics and they are also provided with a Maths Workbook which is at their particular level in case they have missed any foundational Maths skills or concepts.  This Maths book also allows students to extend their learning.  

From 12:30pm-1:15pm students go outside to play and will enjoy playing first then moving into their designated areas to eat.  All students from Years 1- 6 have the same playtime and play areas.  We teach our older students in Year 6 to be leaders and helpers for our younger students.  

From 1:15pm through to 3pm students work on their integrated subjects such as Science, History, Geography and Art.  

Throughout the week students receive a 50 min lesson from a specialist teacher in the subject areas of Physical Education (sport), Music Japanese, and Library.

Settling in for new students: Each child is given at least one buddy, however in our College most students welcome new children in with open arms and they usually end up having a group of students looking out for them and wanting to help the new child settle in quickly.  

We have a Behaviour Management system in every classroom. Students are expected to be at a particular level ready for learning.  If students disrupt the classes they are given a warning, they have a behaviour ladder in each room and the student will need to move their name down the ladder.  If they do this more than twice in a day the parent is notified as we want to make sure there is no underlying reason for their behaviour.  

Oftentimes we find that their behaviour might be that they are sitting next to someone they don’t work well with, or sometimes it’s that they were just having an off day.  Either way we like to find the reason behind the disruptive behaviour, so that they settle down quickly without further disruptions.  If the behaviour is disruptive or disrespectful to the teacher and/or the students, they may have to visit our Responsible Thinking Class (RTC).  

We offer after school school sports, such as basketball, futsal and during the seasons netball and Oztag.  

Our reading system is DRA, Developmental Reading Assessments, this is a diagnostic program, which allows students to not only improve their rate and pace in reading but also encourages a wide range of reading strategies for comprehension and broadening their reading of different genres.  

We have a learning support team, who help teachers write individual plans for students in need, including speakers of English as a Second Language.

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