ENROL for PREP 2025

Book a Prep Tour Today


the world

Our unique Prep program provides an authentic foundation for the beginning of each child’s schooling journey, growing joyful, creative, resilient and confident learners.



Our award-winning Prep facilities cater for purposeful, safe and dynamic learning both inside and outside of the classroom.
Our purpose-built playground offers a safe yet challenging environment, fostering independence and engagement within a natural setting.

about prep 


If you would like to visit and experience the excitement and wonder of our Prep community, Book a Tour today. We’d love to share our program with you. 

Enrol Now for 2025

To secure a place in Prep in 2025, contact our Enrolments Team at enrolments@calcc.qld.edu.au or phone 5436 67777 or visit our Enrolments page.

Building Strong


Prep is a time filled with excitement for learning and a passion for discovering the world. Preps love to learn and our program fosters and builds on their natural curiosity and awe for life. Grounded in best practice teaching strategies, with a balance between explicit teaching and expeditionary journeys, Prep at CalCC is full of adventure and fun.




  • Creating confident communicators, imaginative thinkers and informed citizens.
  • Incorporates speaking, listening, viewing (print, digital and multi-modal), reading and writing.
  • Clear instruction is provided to develop students’ oral language and communication skills, phonemic awareness (hearing sounds in words), phonics (grapheme-phoneme relationships), fluency (in reading), vocabulary and comprehension.

We use:
Sound Waves Spelling program – an evidence-based systematic approach to phonics instruction.
Decodable texts to support our beginning readers.
7 Steps to Writing Success and the 6+1 Traits of Writing.
Kindle Talks.


At CalCC we use a combination of mathematics resources in order to teach every student effectively. The use of these resources enables students to gain a solid foundation and understanding of mathematical concepts through hands-on learning activities.

Students are engaged in investigations where the emphasis is on applying the skills learned to solve everyday problems.


Students are given opportunities to explore the world around them using their senses. In Science, students explore interesting and important questions about the biological, physical, and technological world.

In Humanities, they develop personal identity and learn about families, celebrations and the world around us. Students are encouraged to ask questions and take risks in order to describe the relationship between them and the world.


  • Christian Studies
  • Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
  • Performing Arts
  • ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)
  • Music
  • Art

a day


8:00 am
Supervision provided for students in Prep-Year 6
8:15 am Gates open to Prep Centre. Activities for Prep children in the foyer
8:30 am School starts – Morning activities (Devotions, Worship, LAUNCH – Monday, JUNCTION – Friday)
8:45 am English
9:25 am Brain Boost
9:35 am English
10:30 am Morning Tea & Play
10:55 am Mathematics or special lesson
11:45 am Mathematics or special lesson
12:35 pm Lunch & Play
1:15 pm Science/Humanities or specialist lesson
2:05 pm Science/Humanities or specialist lesson
2:50 pm End-of-day routine
3:00 pm School finishes

GROWING a love




The Prep Centre is a dynamic and nurturing learning environment where our youngest students are known personally, loved, cared for, valued and celebrated for the unique individuals they are.

Our dedicated and experienced Christian staff work collaboratively to create a strong, inclusive, successful, and positive learning environment where all students can thrive.

Each child receives daily personal attention to guide and celebrate their learning progress and overall sense of wellbeing.

We have a strong focus on literacy and numeracy

We value partnerships with families

We teach from a Christian worldview


Our Foundations for Life and Learning are interwoven into all aspects of school life.

A Culture of


The Prep Centre is a dynamic and nurturing learning environment where our youngest students are known personally, loved, cared for, valued and celebrated for the unique individuals they are.

Our dedicated and experienced Christian staff work collaboratively to create a strong, inclusive, successful and positive learning environment where all students can thrive.

Each child receives daily personal attention to monitor, guide and celebrate their learning progress and overall sense of wellbeing.

learning in


We understand that children learn best when they are active participants in their learning. Our Prep students are regularly engaged in hands-on activities, explorations and investigations that are meaningful and relevant.

We incorporate a range of teaching strategies to cater to individual learning styles and differentiate learning experiences based on individual learning needs, combining the best of current research and practice to provide effective learning opportunities for all students.

Our unique Prep program provides an authentic foundation for the start of each child’s school journey, growing joyful, creative, resilient and confident learners.

My daughter’s teacher always strives to make sure she is coping with school socially and emotionally, as well as taking time to monitor her academic performance. We love that her teacher is so aware of her wellbeing beyond the assigned schoolwork.

– D and D Liddy, Parents

I love CalCC because we get to learn about Jesus and every Friday we get to sing about Him at Junction. I like this school because on your first day you get a buddy and you never play alone

– Seth, Student

Enrolment Information